
Showing posts from July, 2019

Britain Trump and America Boris

Remember Gordon Brown? Maybe not, as to put it mildly,he wasn’t exactly the most charismatic of British PMs. But he came up with the quote of the day - Boris Johnson will not be remembered as the 55th Prime Minister of the UK, but as the first Prime Minister of England. Boom!! That likelihood is going up by the day. His much touted tour of the Home Nations turned into a major flop. Nicola Sturgeon in Scotland openly warned about a new Scottish independence referendum, and Boris had to slink out a back door to escape demonstrators. In Wales, he was told that Wales would be crushed by No Deal. In Northern Ireland, polls show that if they had to make a choice today, a small majority would favor being part of Ireland rather than the UK, the first time ever polls are showing this. And to cap it all, the pound is now on a downward spiral, losing 5% against the $ and euro since Boris became PM. But at least Dotard crowned him as the “Britain Trump”, whatever that means. In a few years, being...


Something serious for a change. There was a “Religious Freedom Summit” at the White House last week. Another of those bullshxt things, like the Social Media Summit the week before. Meant to appeal to Trump’s base, but not to be meaningful in any way.  Its okay doing something just for political purposes, but then at least prepare for it. While the religious freedom guys are only interested in Christian (Tal)evangelicals and Israel, as a fig leaf, there was a Tibetan monk who had fled Chinese oppression, a Rohingya refugee, and Nobel Prize winner Nadia Murad, a Yazidi. These 3 and some others then had an Oval Office meeting with Trump. That meeting was so awful that I won’t even post a link to the video. If you haven’t seen it yet, it is easily findable on the net. While there is never a bottom that Trump cannot sink below, this exchange with the 3 people above was beneath awful. First of all, he remained seated in his chair, not looking at them. He didn’t seem to kno...

Boris makes his debut

Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian: The Queen’s first prime minister was Winston Churchill. Her 14th is a Winston Churchill tribute act. So perhaps it’s no surprise that Boris Johnson’s debut performance as prime minister included a sub-Churchillian riff, extolling Britain’s readiness not to fight the Nazi menace but to cope with a no-deal exit from the  European Union . “The ports will be ready and the banks will be ready and the factories will be ready and business will be ready and the hospitals will be ready,” he said, until one half-expected him to declare that we shall be ready on the beaches, we shall be ready on the landing grounds, we shall be ready in the fields and in the streets and in the hills. ————— Boris then announced a cabinet full of Brexiteers, mainly from the hard right Brexit camp. So now there is no one else to blame. If they cannot deliver Brexit, they cannot blame it on “lily-livered Remainers”. And if they deliver a chaotic no-deal Brexit, they w...


I still lay claim to being among the first to use that on Twitter. It became a viral hashtag this week. And no wonder, with Dotard going after 4 women of color, first by Tweet, and then at his already infamous “Send her back” rally. If the Dems are smart, they will use video of that rally (and similar or worse ones that are sure to follow) not only in the Presidential race, but in every competititve House, Senate or State race in 2020, with the voice-over that the GOP candidate did not condemn that, or even found it okay.  I know comparisons to Hitler are never liked, but that rally crowd resembled the crowds cheering on Hitler. Effectively, White Nationalism is now the policy of Trump, and by extension, the GOP. Ishaan Tharoor on WaPo: White nationalism was a formal or informal governing doctrine of the United States until 1965, or for most of its existence as a country. Prior presidents,  such as Richard Nixon , have exploited racial division for political ...

Trump Strip Club

As WaPo reported yesterday, Dotard’s Doral Golf Course was due to hold a tournament next weekend organized by a Strip club in Miami. So this is what the President, his sons, and his company do in their spare time Its worth reading the whole thing to see the sleaze at the top of the US govt, but here is the main info for those with less time. ————- President Trump’s golf resort in Doral, Fla., is scheduled to host a golf tournament Saturday put on by a Miami-area strip club, which will allow golfers to pay for a dancer to serve as their “caddy girl” while they play at the president’s club. The “Shadow All Star Tournament” is organized by the Shadow Cabaret, a strip club in Hialeah, Fla. Emanuele Mancuso, Shadow Cabaret’s marketing director, said in a telephone interview that this wa...

The Special Relationship

So the British Ambassador was candid and honest, and gave his “unvarnished impression” of the US President and his admin, which is what Ambassadors are supposed to do. (Besides doing what the first pun we learnt in school said they do - an Ambassador is one who lies abroad for the good of his country). So of course, telling the truth, he called Dotard inept, thin-skinned and dysfunctional, which is the polite British way of saying the President is basically an axxxhxxx. And of course, Dotard proved him right immediately by acting in an inept, thin-skinned and dysfunctional way, calling the Ambassador a pompous fool (hey there, look in the mirror - is what the Ambassador could have replied, if he wasn’t so polite). And just like with others including Manafort and Epstein, Trump claimed to not even know the Ambassador, which immediately brought up dozens of photos on Twitter of the 2 of them together, talking, shaking hands, laughing. The Liar-in-Chief caught out again. Lie Nr. 11253. B...

The Parade

The best summary of Dotard’s “Salute to America”, also known as “ Salute to Putin, Kim, MbS and Xi” came from Presidential candidate Mayor Pete. “Reducing our nation to tanks and shows of muscle, just makes us look like the loudmouth guy at the bar instead of the extremely diverse and energetic nation that we are”. Dotard managed for 45 minutes to stop complaining about Democrats, the Press, the EU, NATO, Colin Kaepernick,  Bette Midler , Hillary and all the other things bugging him. But instead of that, he talked 40 of those minutes about the military, reducing America to just another bullying monster, with a parade worthy of Red Square or Pyongyang. What has America come to when the gold standard is to replicate something in Pyongyang. “To young Americans across our country, now is your chance to join our military and make a truly great statement in life,” Dotard said. “And you should do it.” That from General Bone Spurs, who got 5 determents and never served. Hey Donnie, if you...