I still lay claim to being among the first to use that on Twitter. It became a viral hashtag this week.
And no wonder, with Dotard going after 4 women of color, first by Tweet, and then at his already infamous “Send her back” rally. If the Dems are smart, they will use video of that rally (and similar or worse ones that are sure to follow) not only in the Presidential race, but in every competititve House, Senate or State race in 2020, with the voice-over that the GOP candidate did not condemn that, or even found it okay.
I know comparisons to Hitler are never liked, but that rally crowd resembled the crowds cheering on Hitler. Effectively, White Nationalism is now the policy of Trump, and by extension, the GOP.
Ishaan Tharoor on WaPo:
White nationalism was a formal or informal governing doctrine of the United States until 1965, or for most of its existence as a country. Prior presidents, such as Richard Nixon, have exploited racial division for political gain. But we have never seen an American president make a U.S. representative, a refugee, an American citizen, a woman of color, and a religious minority an object of hate for the political masses, in a deliberate attempt to turn the country against his fellow Americans who share any of those traits.
Ilhan Omar’s prominence as a Republican target comes not, as conservatives might argue, simply because her policy views are left-wing. Neither is it because, as some liberals have supposed, she is an unmatched political talent. She has emerged as an Emmanuel Goldstein for the Trumpist right because as a black woman, a Muslim, an immigrant, and a progressive member of Congress, she represents in vivid terms a threat to the nation Trumpists fear they are losing.
To attack Omar is to attack a symbol of the demographic change that is eroding white cultural and political hegemony, the defense of which is Trumpism’s only sincere political purpose. To defend the remarks as politically shrewd is to confess that the president is deliberately campaigning on the claim that only white people can truly, irrevocably be American.
And Sean Illing at Vox:
It is about defending the idea that America should be a country for all its people. If multiracial democracy cannot be defended in America, it will not be defended elsewhere. What Americans do now, in the face of this, will define us forever.
The sight of Trump “leading a white mob in a chant” about sending a black Congresswoman “home” will be “featured in history books for decades to come.”
History and the world are watching.
“Leading a white mob in a chant”. That’s what Hitler did as well.
Dotard of course doesn’t care. If overt Racism allows him to win in 2020, he doesn’t care if the GOP or the country goes to the dogs. And if he loses, that will really be the end of the GOP. Because he is unlikely to stay silent, even if in prison. He will continue to enrage his racist mobs, and every GOP candidate will have to decide whether to ignore that or condemn it. That is going to be a slow death.
Luckily, there are still plenty of decent Americans, though whether they are enough to take down Trump in 2020 remains to be seen. But the eternal optimist was cheered by this short video of Ilhan Omar being greeted on her return to Minneapolis yesterday.
t.co/GmxOybfYSi from Karine Jean-Pierre’s Tweet
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