
Showing posts from January, 2022

CRT and GQP History

  So after railing for a year or more against the teaching of CRT in schools, to newborns and to fetuses, the GQP passed numerous laws in red states on the issue, although none of those laws or the GQPidiots passing them could define what CRT was. So GQPers in Virginia took it open them to define how racism is to be taught in schools, introducing with great fanfare las week a bill detailing what  can  be taught in schools. Within hours the bill got great praise in states like Texas and Florida, where lawmakers are already wondering whether to go beyond fetuses and ban CRT for men and women who are contemplating having a child. Under the motto - “Your semen should be CRT free. Else please be abstinent.” Well, that great moment lasted a couple of hours. Among the things listed that could be taught in schools were the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates - specified further in the legislation as the debates between Lincoln, you know, the greatest President, and Frederick Douglas, ...

Biden's Jan 6th speech

 The day is the Epiphany, when Christians believe the 3 oriental Kings brought presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh for the baby. In Russia and the Eastern Orthodox world, its often the day they celebrate Christmas, though this year it was the 7th. And in the US, this year it was the day when Biden finally realized the old Republican Party he knew is dead, replaced by a racist, bigoted GQP that talks a lot about Jesus but actually kneels before its own Orange Idol, which Jesus would have chased out of the temple,ike he did the money lender's.. That was definitely Biden's best speech of his Presidency. Finally using the biggest bully pulpit in the country. He hit the bloated Orangeman where it hurts most - his EGO. He never used his name - he didn't have to. But his various references to his having lost - being a LOSER - were meant to go for the gut. Almost as though the speech was written by the Lincoln Project. "He can’t accept that he lost, even though that’s wha...