CRT and GQP History
So after railing for a year or more against the teaching of CRT in schools, to newborns and to fetuses, the GQP passed numerous laws in red states on the issue, although none of those laws or the GQPidiots passing them could define what CRT was.
So GQPers in Virginia took it open them to define how racism is to be taught in schools, introducing with great fanfare las week a bill detailing what can be taught in schools. Within hours the bill got great praise in states like Texas and Florida, where lawmakers are already wondering whether to go beyond fetuses and ban CRT for men and women who are contemplating having a child. Under the motto - “Your semen should be CRT free. Else please be abstinent.”
Well, that great moment lasted a couple of hours. Among the things listed that could be taught in schools were the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates - specified further in the legislation as the debates between Lincoln, you know, the greatest President, and Frederick Douglas, you know, the great civil rights fighter.
It didn’t take long for hundreds of people on Twitter (including your correspondent) to point out that those 2 worthy individuals had never debated each other, and the Douglas of the debates was another johnny, while Frederick wrote his name as Douglass.
There for all to see was the total historical ignorance of the GQP who still want to tell the country what can and cannot be taught.
So I came up with a few more great historical moments that the GQP could include in future legislation on what can be taught in schools (based on other such great revelations in recent years, some of which you may remember)
- how George Washington took control of the airports during the Revolutionary War
- how slaves lived such happy lives until the Lincoln-Douglas debates destroyed that
- how Franklin Rooselvelt sent US troops to Asia to fight in World War I
- how Theodore Roosevelt responded to the Chinese bombing of Pearl Harbour
- how Reagan brilliantly dealt with the Venezuela missile crisis
- how Clinton got us into the endless wars in Iran and Afghanistan
- how Trump ........ (these are too many to list)
After the next generation of real Americans is subjected to that wonderful History, the rest of us will wonder why in the past we thought that Americans were so uninformed, when they were actually far better informed than their counterparts in 2040.
Heck, they could even find a country or 2 on the map, and could diligently search for Babylon or Prussia.
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