Trump Kim Summit Summary

As I wrote earlier, there is a Trump Tweet for everything. Many are years old, some like the one below, just a few days old.

“So funny to watch people who have failed for years, they got NOTHING, telling me how to negotiate with North Korea. But thanks anyway!”

Ha, ha, ha, so funny, Donny. Who looks like a failed moron now.
Wow - they don’t look happy on that first picture above. More like boxers before the fight....

Trump and Pompeo were lowering the bar every day, but they couldn’t even meet those lowered expectations. That’s what happens when you just wing it - and no 
preparation has been done. Love letters are not enough.....

Dotard said he was “walking away” from the talks. They probably failed because he was hurting from his bone spurs. This was Vietnam after all. So maybe he didn’t walk away, but had to be carried off, as though they had really boxed after that picture above. And not even a kiss on parting.....So much for those love letters.

Then came the second picture from the press conference after the breakup.

My, my, do they look like 2 con men who have just been conned themselves? 

Exhausted and wondering about their own stupidity. How could we be such idiots?

Dotard goes on to effectively insult his Vietnamese hosts.
He says, “I am about to fly back to a wonderful place called Washington D.C.”
Unsaid: Glad to get out of this sxxthole Hanoi.

Trump believed Kim that he did not know about Otton Warmbier. I suppose that’s the same as believing MbS about Khashoggi. “I will take the word of great dictators any day, over the word of all these Fake News journalists”.

After Dotard ‘s press conference, China said it would comment on the summit after hearing from “authoritative voices” about what happened. Presumably it didn’t consider Dotard’s voice one of those.


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