Mueller Mueller on the wall
No doubt you are wondering whether you have the time to read the Mueller Report, one of those books destined to hit and stay on the New York Times bestseller list for a long time. As a service (and so that you don’t have to waste your time doing it), I have read the entire Report, all 448 pages including 40 pages of footnotes. While not as interesting as Lord of the Rings or The Great Gatsby, it was nowhere near as boring as many books I have read that I will not name. While its long, its nowhere as long as say War and Peace or other Russian masterpieces. That’s why when asked whether he would take the time to read the Mueller report, Putin said “I don’t read short stories”. I know, about a million and a half pundits have given their opinion of the Mueller report. Nevertheless, I will add my tuppence (before Brexit), concentrating on stuff that serious pundits let by. None of the headlines will make my report - only the subtleties. And the politics and spin after its release. First...