Mueller Mueller on the wall
No doubt you are wondering whether you have the time to read the Mueller Report, one of those books destined to hit and stay on the New York Times bestseller list for a long time. As a service (and so that you don’t have to waste your time doing it), I have read the entire Report, all 448 pages including 40 pages of footnotes. While not as interesting as Lord of the Rings or The Great Gatsby, it was nowhere near as boring as many books I have read that I will not name.
While its long, its nowhere as long as say War and Peace or other Russian masterpieces. That’s why when asked whether he would take the time to read the Mueller report, Putin said “I don’t read short stories”.
I know, about a million and a half pundits have given their opinion of the Mueller report.
Nevertheless, I will add my tuppence (before Brexit), concentrating on stuff that serious pundits let by. None of the headlines will make my report - only the subtleties.
While its long, its nowhere as long as say War and Peace or other Russian masterpieces. That’s why when asked whether he would take the time to read the Mueller report, Putin said “I don’t read short stories”.
I know, about a million and a half pundits have given their opinion of the Mueller report.
Nevertheless, I will add my tuppence (before Brexit), concentrating on stuff that serious pundits let by. None of the headlines will make my report - only the subtleties.
And the politics and spin after its release.
First thing that sprang out at me - the man who claimed “I have the world’s best memory” had to say 37 times that he could not remember things that had happened in the last 2 years. Makes one feel sorry for all those poor guys with not so good memories. Did I have lunch today? Am I married? Did the porn star arrive?
Maybe that last question explains some of the stuff around the hush payments. The world’s greatest memory just could not remember that he had made the payments. Or maybe he couldn’t even remember if he had made the porn star.
First thing that sprang out at me - the man who claimed “I have the world’s best memory” had to say 37 times that he could not remember things that had happened in the last 2 years. Makes one feel sorry for all those poor guys with not so good memories. Did I have lunch today? Am I married? Did the porn star arrive?
Maybe that last question explains some of the stuff around the hush payments. The world’s greatest memory just could not remember that he had made the payments. Or maybe he couldn’t even remember if he had made the porn star.
He couldn’t even remember if he had been told by Junior in advance about the Trump Tower meeting. Now, that is a great memory!! It also tells us all we need to know. Mueller put it more drily to Dotard’s lawyers - “we have had no opportunity to ask follow-up questions that would ensure complete answers and potentially refresh your client’s recollection or clarify the extent or nature of his lack of recollection”.
He often claims he is the first Precedent to do certain things. Finally he really achieved what no Precedent has before him. On hearing of Mueller’s appointment, he said, “I’m fuxked”, which will no doubt go down in history as the most quoted statement by an American Precedent ever. Its already been retweeted 27 million times. Not far behind is McGann’s comment about “crazy shxt”. The US Presidency at its finest.......
In fact, the biggest thing in the report is how the White House operates like the Mafia. Just like the Corleone family, and the Gotti family, there is now the Trump family, running a criminal operation from the top of the US govt.
36 pages were redacted - color coded in Black, Red, Yellow and Green. An ambitious publisher already has a book out, where you can color code your own Mueller Report. You can even use other colors if you want. Even a children’s version is already out there.
Daddy, I also want to color the children’s Mueller report.
No, Ivanka, I won’t allow you to do that. Let Junior do it. Its his level.
Some wags are saying it had to be color coded as Trump cannot read anything that’s only in black print. Actually, Trump cannot read anything. Period (to quote Sean Spicer). But maybe the colors made him actually look at it. Oh, there’s red. Isn’t that the stuff that I said comes out from wherever?
Don Junior escapes prosecution because Mueller didn’t think he was smart enough to understand the implications of what he was doing. Junior and Fox news cheered, even though that effectively says - too stupid to be prosecuted. But in Trumpworld, stupidity is actually a virtue. Their rallying cry - Let’s release the Trumpkins on those smart elites. Thank God Junior is not one of those. Similarly, there was no collusion because the Campaign was just too disorganized and stupid to collude with anybody.
Barr showed that he is quite capable of competing with Pence and Lindsey Graham when it comes to kissing Trump’s you know what. Plenty of people around The Dotard have had their credibility destroyed over the last 2 years, but Barr did it in record time. As the NY Daily News put it, he really set a low Barr.
Mueller after all wrote that “Congress has authority to prohibit a President’s corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice.” I think that line makes it quite clear that he thought Trump was guilty of obstruction of justice, and only Justice Dept rules prohibited him from indicting the President. He was pushing the job to Congress.
But with the GOP part of Congress also competing with Barr, Pence and Graham as to the act above, so as not to draw the ire of Trumpkins, Congress is definitely unable to act. Most GOP Senators were silent. Only Romney dared say he is sickened by the dishonesty in the highest office of the land. Mitch the Traitor even said that “the President can be happy about what we heard today”. Others produced such slush as Trump’s behaviour was “inappropriate”. Yes, so is Putin’s and Kim’s. So we have a US President in the same boat as thugs and murderers. But, say the GOP grandees, as long as he gives us enough judges who will in future put down blacks, women, Jews, minorities and immigrants, we will pretend he was sent from God.
36 pages were redacted - color coded in Black, Red, Yellow and Green. An ambitious publisher already has a book out, where you can color code your own Mueller Report. You can even use other colors if you want. Even a children’s version is already out there.
Daddy, I also want to color the children’s Mueller report.
No, Ivanka, I won’t allow you to do that. Let Junior do it. Its his level.
Some wags are saying it had to be color coded as Trump cannot read anything that’s only in black print. Actually, Trump cannot read anything. Period (to quote Sean Spicer). But maybe the colors made him actually look at it. Oh, there’s red. Isn’t that the stuff that I said comes out from wherever?
Don Junior escapes prosecution because Mueller didn’t think he was smart enough to understand the implications of what he was doing. Junior and Fox news cheered, even though that effectively says - too stupid to be prosecuted. But in Trumpworld, stupidity is actually a virtue. Their rallying cry - Let’s release the Trumpkins on those smart elites. Thank God Junior is not one of those. Similarly, there was no collusion because the Campaign was just too disorganized and stupid to collude with anybody.
Barr showed that he is quite capable of competing with Pence and Lindsey Graham when it comes to kissing Trump’s you know what. Plenty of people around The Dotard have had their credibility destroyed over the last 2 years, but Barr did it in record time. As the NY Daily News put it, he really set a low Barr.
Mueller after all wrote that “Congress has authority to prohibit a President’s corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice.” I think that line makes it quite clear that he thought Trump was guilty of obstruction of justice, and only Justice Dept rules prohibited him from indicting the President. He was pushing the job to Congress.
But with the GOP part of Congress also competing with Barr, Pence and Graham as to the act above, so as not to draw the ire of Trumpkins, Congress is definitely unable to act. Most GOP Senators were silent. Only Romney dared say he is sickened by the dishonesty in the highest office of the land. Mitch the Traitor even said that “the President can be happy about what we heard today”. Others produced such slush as Trump’s behaviour was “inappropriate”. Yes, so is Putin’s and Kim’s. So we have a US President in the same boat as thugs and murderers. But, say the GOP grandees, as long as he gives us enough judges who will in future put down blacks, women, Jews, minorities and immigrants, we will pretend he was sent from God.
And the “Reverend” Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, who must be squeaming in his grave, managed to comment on the Report by quoting a Bible verse about death to gays. He also thinks Trump was sent by God, but somehow didn’t mention what the Bible says about adultery, lying, cheating and insulting.
If God had to pick Trump, he must have really run out of good people and is now scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Which means we are left with a President, who besides being a racist, misogynist bigot, has been shown to run an administration full of grifters, crooks and con men, with him being the Criminal-in-Chief. Unfortunately, we may have to live with that for 2 years, and maybe longer, if there aren’t enough honest, upright Americans. There’s a good chance there aren’t.
Melania did say that she expected to be first lady for 6 years longer. But who knows, maybe she was thinking of marrying Kamala Harris or Pete Buttigeig (though Reverend Graham would not approve).
If God had to pick Trump, he must have really run out of good people and is now scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Which means we are left with a President, who besides being a racist, misogynist bigot, has been shown to run an administration full of grifters, crooks and con men, with him being the Criminal-in-Chief. Unfortunately, we may have to live with that for 2 years, and maybe longer, if there aren’t enough honest, upright Americans. There’s a good chance there aren’t.
Melania did say that she expected to be first lady for 6 years longer. But who knows, maybe she was thinking of marrying Kamala Harris or Pete Buttigeig (though Reverend Graham would not approve).
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