
Showing posts from October, 2021

Obituaries - Powell and Trump

 If you like this, do read other items on my blog. Its free 😀 Will probably write more about Colin Powell if I get down to it. Its a subject that gives rise to a lot of what ifs and speculations. But another thought is more urgent to send out. Yes, except for the extreme right wing press and associated nutjobs, the papers had a lot of nice things to say about Powell, though all of them mentioned the worst part of his legacy - his speech before the UN making the case to attack Iraq. Even he realized it was a mistake, apologized for it many times, and knew it would unfortunately be part of his obituary and legacy. But of course, the praise for the Great Man Powell was too much for what my good friend Dave called the Supreme Axxhxxx Trump (He really hit the n. on the h. with that one). Showing his complete lack of grace or empathy or basic human feelings, His Most Supreme A sent out this statement: “Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called ...

Guns, Bibles and Mark Twain

  Idaho is a small US red state. There are about 6 people who actually know where it is.  It had its fair share of idiots and covidiots including Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin, who when Gov. Little went out of state yesterday quickly issued an executive order banning “vaccine passports”. You know, the way the GQP keeps banning things that don’t exist - like CRT in schools and abortions after birth. In October 2020, McGeachin was in a conservative think tank’s video — a gun in one hand, a Bible in the other — and questioned the existence of the pandemic. Real Americans were going to beat the virus with their guns - just shoot the damn things - and their Bibles - God will not allow a virus in His House. We know how that has turned out. What we will soon find out is what happens when covid becomes essentially a red state plague. At the moment, 14 of the 15 states with the highest number of cases to date are red states, as are all 15 with the highest cases in the last month. Similarly...

Brexit and Levelling Up

  With so much else going on, nobody in the rest of the world paid any attention to Little England's main political event of the year - the party conferences. You know Little England - that place that was left over after Brexit. Take away London, which voted overwhelmingly against Brexit, and you are left with Huckleberry Finn’s famous majority I mentioned yesterday. BoJo’s bojoes. Labour went first a week ago and it was a sorry affair. New leader Keith Starmer may not be quite as "crazy" as his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn, but he also lacks the oomph that made Corbyn so popular among the faithful. Starmer came across as boring, which probably is not going to help Labour's chances. Labour is going to do blah blah blah yada yada yada.....yawn yawn yawn. And then came the Tories - normally representing the moneyed classes, but now just like with Trump and the GQP, claiming to be for the working class common man. Enough of those wccm seem to be impressed with this for now,...