Guns, Bibles and Mark Twain

 Idaho is a small US red state. There are about 6 people who actually know where it is.  It had its fair share of idiots and covidiots including Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin, who when Gov. Little went out of state yesterday quickly issued an executive order banning “vaccine passports”. You know, the way the GQP keeps banning things that don’t exist - like CRT in schools and abortions after birth.

In October 2020, McGeachin was in a conservative think tank’s video — a gun in one hand, a Bible in the other — and questioned the existence of the pandemic. Real Americans were going to beat the virus with their guns - just shoot the damn things - and their Bibles - God will not allow a virus in His House. We know how that has turned out.

What we will soon find out is what happens when covid becomes essentially a red state plague. At the moment, 14 of the 15 states with the highest number of cases to date are red states, as are all 15 with the highest cases in the last month. Similarly, the 15 states with the highest death rate in the last month are red states. 

Because the virus first hit NY, NJ, MA, RI and CT before anybody knew how to deal with covid, they still figure among the 15 states with the highest death rate since the start. If you take July 2020 as the turning point where death rates plummeted after covid was understood better, again all 15 top states are red, with #RondeFascist’s Florida taking the gold medal and #AbortionAbbott’s Texas in the Top 5. But most of those states are banning mask mandates, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. I suppose they will rely on guns and Bibles. Or the famous thoughts and prayers.

Nobody is keeping count, but it is believed at least 50+ Talibangelical “pastors” who told their congregations that God would not allow the virus in His House are dead. Nobody knows how many of those congregants are dead as well. But no worries - Guns and Bibles will solve the issue for Real Americans.

But those states will keep electing redidiots and covidiots to govern them. Mark Twain recognized the issue 140 years ago, when he gets Huckleberry Finn to say, “Hain’t we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain’t that a big enough majority in any town?” 

I doubt he has even heard of Mark Twain, but no doubt that’s what the Dotard said as well when he decided to run in 2015. And Huckleberry Finn was proved right.


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