Brexit and Levelling Up

 With so much else going on, nobody in the rest of the world paid any attention to Little England's main political event of the year - the party conferences. You know Little England - that place that was left over after Brexit. Take away London, which voted overwhelmingly against Brexit, and you are left with Huckleberry Finn’s famous majority I mentioned yesterday. BoJo’s bojoes.

Labour went first a week ago and it was a sorry affair. New leader Keith Starmer may not be quite as "crazy" as his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn, but he also lacks the oomph that made Corbyn so popular among the faithful. Starmer came across as boring, which probably is not going to help Labour's chances. Labour is going to do blah blah blah yada yada yada.....yawn yawn yawn.

And then came the Tories - normally representing the moneyed classes, but now just like with Trump and the GQP, claiming to be for the working class common man. Enough of those wccm seem to be impressed with this for now, though it may not endure as long as in the US.

While BoJo may be a nut, he is anything but boring. His speech, the highlight of the conference, was full of "levelling up" stuff for the wccm, without any recognizable detail on how that would be achieved. But he would level up all those hell holes full of Huckleberry Finn voters which he probably had never visited before the last election.

And on the sidelines there were highfalutin conference breakout sessions where the wccm would definitely have been bewildered, including one on “Post-neoclassical endogenous growth theory”.  Whatever that is. Heck, forget the wccm. Even the Oxbridge elite and your correspondent were bewildered by that one.

Boris stole Biden’s Build Back Better, though he mainly used it to make typical BoJo puns and jokes like Build Back Butter and Build Back Batter and even Build Back Bitter as he vowed to help the battered beer industry. He had to - how else would all his rube..., er, voters, drown all their Brexit sorrows.

Immigrant children like Rishi Sunak and Priti Patel cheered as BoJo talked about clamping down on immigrants. I suppose if not ready to die for him yet,  they are ready to drive trucks with him, so that all those conference attendees could find fuel to get home at least. Now that all those immigrant drivers have been chased away.

At the end, like at a Trump or Kim rally, or Xi address to his party, everybody stood up and clapped and clapped and clapped. Cabinet ministers in the first row seemed afraid to be the first to stop clapping. Best one can say is:

Boris Bullshxts Better.


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