Obituaries - Powell and Trump

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Will probably write more about Colin Powell if I get down to it. Its a subject that gives rise to a lot of what ifs and speculations.

But another thought is more urgent to send out. Yes, except for the extreme right wing press and associated nutjobs, the papers had a lot of nice things to say about Powell, though all of them mentioned the worst part of his legacy - his speech before the UN making the case to attack Iraq. Even he realized it was a mistake, apologized for it many times, and knew it would unfortunately be part of his obituary and legacy.

But of course, the praise for the Great Man Powell was too much for what my good friend Dave called the Supreme Axxhxxx Trump (He really hit the n. on the h. with that one).

Showing his complete lack of grace or empathy or basic human feelings, His Most Supreme A sent out this statement:

“Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media. Hope that happens to me someday," 

Well, that last sentence shows his fear of what his obituary is going to look like. And as it happens, I have already written it. If his promised “greatest social media site” was up and running, I could have posted it there.

People live a long life. An obituary has to put 60 or 70 or 80 years of a person’s life into a short summary, giving future generations a quick idea of the person.

You couldn’t have a shorter Obituary for Dotard Trump than I have, and one that says all about him without any words.

The Obituary just consists of a photo from his colonoscopy.
No words required.

That’s probably what his tombstone will say too.
Here lies (insert same picture).

As my friend said - the Supreme A.


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