GQP Gun violence "solutions "

 Here is a partial list of “solutions” proposed by GQP Senators and reps, Fox News pundits, and other rightwing, soulless axxholes yesterday, each followed by my comments in brackets.

- Give children bullet-proof backpacks. 1 Senator even suggested parents should buy children those instead of toys.
 (They don’t wear backpacks in school. How about full bulletproof clothing? Why not give them full body armour? Heck, after your abortion laws have passed, make baby body armour compulsory - straight from the womb to safety).

- why can’t we have security like at airports - with full body and backpack screening?
(Well, the US has around 5000 airports, and about 150000 schools. They can’t even find enough miserably paid TSA personnel for the airports - good luck for the schools. Of course, since red states are banning books, and firing teachers who dare to mention black or gay people, maybe that money saved can be used to finance those scanners and the people to man them)

- From Dan Patrick and Cancun Cruz: Schools should have only 1 main door to enter and exit, and no other way to get in. Barricade that door like a bunker.
(I mean, does it get more foolish than this? I have an even better suggestion for Cruz. Let’s have schools with NO doors at all. Lower a few ladders from the top floor. Once children are in, pull them up. Lower them again only when children leave. Basta, problem solved).

- Active Shooter Drills, already a part of 5 year olds’ lives only in America, should be made more frequent.
(yes, scare the shxt out of them even more).

- And that perennial favourite - ARM THE TEACHERS.
(in future, just a Science or Arts degree will not be enough to teach. You will have to have compulsory AR 15 training. Updated every year. The New American Teacher. Model for the World. Who then teaches with an AR 15 slung around his shoulders so that 5 year olds can feel sooo, sooo safe and warm and cuddly).

On Blue Danube radio here, an American mother with children in a Vienna school put it best - I am so glad my children go every day to a school, and not to a high security prison.

And finally, the Federalist Society, that rightwing disgrace that has given us the 6 Supreme Qourt justices, suggested - Maybe this is a solid case for home schooling.
(yes guys, make our moronic MAGA family even more ignorant and moronic. But it does solve the problem, I agree. You will have no more school shootings when you have no more schools. Problem solved).

Alyssa Rosenberg at WaPo had some strong words: America is the land of child sacrifice. On the surface, contemporary America seems very distant from the world of Greek tragedy or the Toltec capital of Tula in 950 A.D. but our society has something in common with theirs - WE PRACTICE CHILD SACRIFICE.

And all for what the GQP calls the God-given right to own guns. Wonder which God they are talking about. Gazpacho MTG, her brain clearly addled by cold soup, said dramatically- WE NEED TO RETURN TO GOD. Words echoed by several other GQPers. They clearly haven’t heard of the Crusades, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the RSS and Bajrang Dal in India or the Talibuddhists in Burma. All people who talk about “returning to God”. Not to mention Putin and Orban - also great defenders of God currently loved by MAGA and the GQP.

(Yes, the biggest conservative conference CPAC was just held in Budapest last weekend, where Trump and *ucker Carlson spoke along with Orban’s prime racists and anti-semites, including Zsolt Bayer who has called Jews “stinking excrement” and referred to Roma as “animals”. No problem. Trump, the current GQP God, spoke just before him, and *ucker soon after. Nothing to see here. Next year in Pyongyang).

But once half of America has decided that killing children is okay to protect their God-given AR 15s, nothing will change. That a generation of children will grow up scared to death of each school day and learning how to hide in closets or when to throw something at a gunman is fine - that will be a requirement for a job in God’s companies like Hobby Lobby or Chick-fil-A or in the whole GQP/Fox/Talibangelical eco-system.

The NRA convention starts today. In Texas, the crime scene. I wonder if they will play their perennial favourite - the old clip of Charlton Heston at the NRA convention in 2000, played proudly at every convention since, where he says, like the actor that he once was - I’ll give you my gun when you pry it from my COLD, DEAD HANDS”

Or the COLD DEAD HANDS of children.
There, I updated it for you heartless bastards.


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