End to shutdown

“This was in no way a concession”.

Talk about being completely delusional. Govt opened (win for Nancy), ZERO money for wall (not a concession for Dotard, no way). But okay, Kellyanne tells me that Nancy privately promised him $ 10 as the down payment he had demanded. And if he doesn’t build that wall, he could use it to buy a toy for Barron. What, you say, a billionaire doesn’t need $ 10 to buy a toy for his son. Well, this one once made an effort to get $8 for his other son, so $ 10 is a win, 25% more than last time. So tired of winning.....

So tired of winning......that is what Nancy will probably be saying over the next 2 years.

Turtle McConnell’s most famous phrase, repeated many times, is “there’s no learning in the second kick of a mule”. Assuming he really believes that, presumably there is absolutely no learning in the third kick, which is why I doubt there will be another shutdown after 3 weeks. While there will be no wall, there will be money for paint for some existing fencing, so Dotard can stand in front of it and hail his new wall, and all FoxPravda viewers can cheer.

The Marie Antoinette cabinet did make it harder for the GOP to hold on. Utterly clueless statements from billionaire Ross (why food banks, why not loans?), Hassett, Kudlow and from daughter-in-law Lara Trump could have soon led to the guillotine being brought out. Pelosi  had the best answer to Ross, hitting 2 birds with one stone - they cannot just call their brokers to sell some shares or call their dad for more money. Brilliant!

So Dotard caved. Now, in addition to Individual 1, we also have Cave Man. No wall, only a cave.


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