Kellyanne called me for suggestions for Dotard’s SOTU speech. She said she was reaching across the aisle, so that Dotard could include stuff that his opponents would like to see. So I gave her the following ideas.
- he should immediately reinstate the 25+ undocumented immigrants employed for over a decade at his golf courses, but fired last week when the news came out. He should also agree to pay them back wages equivalent to what they would have needed to have lived a decent life. Maybe he should invite them as his guests to the SOTU instead of some of the divisive guests he has actually invited. Then he could say he was really sorry for having exploited them all these years.
This would make immigrant activists who oppose him happy.
- he should publicly apologize to Melania for his sleeping around while she was pregnant and when she had just had a baby. He should announce a donation of $ 10 million to #MeToo. He could also say he is swearing off sex (for a week at least).
That would make women who oppose him happy.
- he should swear to employ blacks at his golf courses in proportion to their share of the population, and pay them decent, live-able wages. Also promise that he will swear off racist comments (for 2 weeks at least).
That would make his black opponents happy.
- he should promise to pay for wall-jumping practice for Hispanics, so that they can navigate the wall when it gets built. He should also say that while its too late for him, son Barron will be forced to learn Spanish.
That would make his Hispanic opponents happy.
- but best of all, he should announce that he is so fed up of getting the worst treatment of any Precedent in History, that he is going to show us all how much we would suffer if he was not there, and so is going to resign immediately.
That would make the whole world happy.
Kellyanne thanked me for my thoughtful suggestions, but would not promise that any would make it into the SOTU tonight.
- he should immediately reinstate the 25+ undocumented immigrants employed for over a decade at his golf courses, but fired last week when the news came out. He should also agree to pay them back wages equivalent to what they would have needed to have lived a decent life. Maybe he should invite them as his guests to the SOTU instead of some of the divisive guests he has actually invited. Then he could say he was really sorry for having exploited them all these years.
This would make immigrant activists who oppose him happy.
- he should publicly apologize to Melania for his sleeping around while she was pregnant and when she had just had a baby. He should announce a donation of $ 10 million to #MeToo. He could also say he is swearing off sex (for a week at least).
That would make women who oppose him happy.
- he should swear to employ blacks at his golf courses in proportion to their share of the population, and pay them decent, live-able wages. Also promise that he will swear off racist comments (for 2 weeks at least).
That would make his black opponents happy.
- he should promise to pay for wall-jumping practice for Hispanics, so that they can navigate the wall when it gets built. He should also say that while its too late for him, son Barron will be forced to learn Spanish.
That would make his Hispanic opponents happy.
- but best of all, he should announce that he is so fed up of getting the worst treatment of any Precedent in History, that he is going to show us all how much we would suffer if he was not there, and so is going to resign immediately.
That would make the whole world happy.
Kellyanne thanked me for my thoughtful suggestions, but would not promise that any would make it into the SOTU tonight.
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