Streisand Effect

Devin Nunes, former House Intelligence Committee chief and the great kisser of Dotard’s (insert body part) has sued Twitter and 3 of its users for $ 250 million for insulting him without reason. Two of the users are @DevinNunesMom (which has been suspended by Twitter) and @DevinCow, which could not be suspended as it lacked content that broke the rules. Though a politician, Devin comes from a farming family.

But the lawsuit resulted in @devincow going from around 1000 followers to 148000 followers in 1 day (and increasing). When I woke up this morning, it was 285000 followers. Probably the fastest follower growth among non-celebrities. Whoever is behind that should make a donation to Nunes’ campaign account. Going from a nobody to a hefty number of followers. Heck, he could now make a fortune with a blog.

The third account was that of Liz Mair, a Never Trump GOPer and former GOP Communications person. With her background, she tried to raise donations for her defense from her 50K followers. Though not a follower, I donated some thoughts and prayers. You may be Never Trump, but that doesn’t mean your support of GOP policies are easily forgotten.

Many suspect that Nunes is interested in being Dotard’s running mate next year, but whether he succeeds would depend on whether he or altar boy Pence is a better (insert body part) kisser. That is pretty tough competition.

On the other hand, more likely he would be getting a chance to be Dotard’s cell mate in the future.

In the meantime, Devin Nunes’ Cow is offering milkshakes to all supporters. They in turn are happy that the Cow is calling out Nunes’ bull shxt.

Several hundred Nunes related accounts have sprung up, including
Devin Nunes Dad
Devin Nunes Auntie
Devin Nunes Mom is Hillary Clinton
Devin Nunes is a Whiny Baby
Devin Nunes Crap
Devin Nunes Brain
Devin Nunes Bum
And plenty of others.

Random tweet from Devin Nunes Dad: This is a very difficult time for the Nunes family. We ask for your understanding as we try to figure out why Devy is suing Mom.
Reply from Devin Nunes Farm: Don’t let him inherit the farm. Don’t forget me.

In short, good fun all around.

Good old Barbara must now be hoping that the Streisand effect will be renamed the Nunes effect, and that her entry will disappear from Wikipedia. For those unfamiliar with it, the Wikipedia definition:
The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the internet

It is what happened when Streisand sued to get photos of her mansion removed from the internet. Nunes, who comes from the area, should have known about it. 

Update 1: And just as I wrote that, Wikipedia updated its entry to include the story of @DevinCow. At this rate, the re-naming to the Nunes Effect should happen in a day or two. The effect could in future be measured in Nunes, with 1 Nune = 10 Barbaras

Update 2: Latest addition - Devin Nunes’ Cow’s Best Friend (who is also a Cow)


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