Bigots White House meeting

Today the racist and bigot in the White House is going to welcome another racist and bigot from Europe - Hungary’s Orban. Orban has already managed to destroy democracy in his country, and maybe Trump hopes to learn from him how he did that. Orban knows how to play the hypocrites running other countries. Despite winning his “elections” on an open anti-Semitic platform, he was welcomed by Netanyahu with a hug. Now, despite playing footsie with Putin as a NATO member, he gets the red carpet at the White House, or is it the white carpet at the Red (light) House?

Orban’s “success” was built on destroying an independent Judiciary, completely muzzling the free press, and demonizing immigrants and minorities. One can see why Trump might feel brotherly love for him and hope to learn from him. Plus, Trump has yet to get an Eastern European wife from Hungary, and maybe Orban can help him get one. And who knows, maybe even a Trump Tower Budapest to finally have something taller than the giant Soviet era statue on Gellert Hill. Or maybe even remove that statue and replace it with one of Trump.

Photoshoppers can get to work. Notice there is also a figure on the bottom right. Maybe Trump could replace that guy.
Here he is again. I think Trump or Junior would make a good replacement.

And the hero on this one actually looks like Trump. look at the hair.

Now that Orban has also thrown out Soros’ Open University from Hungary, they may both be interested in starting up New Trump University there. While just like the earlier T U, it may not teach much about real estate, you could probably learn how to kiss Trump’s you know what. So many GOP types are already graduates and could be enlisted as faculty. Prof. Lindsey Graham, Prof. Sean Hannity, etc....

Perhaps next Dotard could hold a Bigots International in the WH, inviting Orban, Le Pen, Salvini from Italy, Strache from Austria and AfD chief Weidel from Germany. Throw in Farage and Wilders. The White House needs to be fumigated in any case for days after Trump leaves to remove the stench. That group of “very fine people” will fit in with the current stench very well.

Meanwhile Pew reports that trust in America doing the right thing has fallen below 20% in almost every country, except Russia and Israel, from around 70% in Obama’s time. Talk about making America great again. Yes, the next President will have to really work hard at that. Though it may take a generation or more to come up to Obama levels, if ever.

(Finally, let me stress that the EU has done an awful job dealing with Orban. They should have thrown Hungary out years ago. The conservative grouping that protected him is finally starting to take action, but that’s like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted).


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