Courts and abortion laws

So the effort to fill the federal courts with racists and bigots, the only thing Mitch seems able to achieve, proceeded yesterday with Michael Truncale being confirmed to a Texas Court. Truncale had called Obama an “un-American impostor” during Dotard’s birther days, something that of course made him a hero to Dotard. Romney was the only GOP senator who had the ba..., er, spine to vote No. All the other lambs dutifully put 1 more racist in charge of Justice for the rest of his life.

As I have written often enough, while Dotard has made America Hate Again, and made most of the rest of the world (except Russia and Israel) hate America, his worst legacy is going to be the complete corruption of American justice. All those Dred Scott judges must be celebrating in their graves, knowing their awful decision may ultimately soon be surpassed as the worst in US history.

Racing back to the 50s or earlier, Alabama banned all abortions, including those resulting from rape and incest. After all, its all God’s plan, as a GOP candidate once famously said. Okay, the bill will probably never go into effect, at least not until Roe is overturned by the Supreme Court, that is possible, but in my view, unlikely. But the whole debate around the bill showed again that for many pro-life types, life begins at conception and ends at birth. That’s probably why they see no contradiction in their support of the death penalty.

Other states are racing to compete with each other on who bans abortion earliest. The US is unusual in that abortion is legal till foetal viability, or around 20 weeks. While a lot of people think Europe is like that, in actual fact, in most EU countries abortion is legal in all circumstances only in the first trimester (12 to 13 weeks). In fact, if both sides of the debate were not so crazy, the US could adopt EU rules and have a much better situation than the status quo for both sides. But the point for reasonable compromise is long past.

So states are rushing to pass laws making abortion illegal earlier. They went from 16 to 14 to 12 and 8 weeks, and Georgia has now passed a bill making abortion illegal after 6 weeks, when plenty of women do not even know they are pregnant. Again, will not go into effect, but has been passed. How far can this go? Well, the next step would  be for another red state to permit abortion only until a woman gets pregnant....

Sounds laughable, but the current debate around this is anything but. Irrespective of where you stand on abortion, the debate around it in the US is just nuts.


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