The (royal) Baby
I have written several times about how it was basically the Americans who elected Waldheim President in Austria. Jeremy Corbyn got a big boost in his quest to become British PM, when Pompous Pompeo, in a teleconference in London, called Corbyn disgusting, doubtless sending his popularity up several points. Pompeo also praised Brexit and how it would energize the “special relationship”, all but making sure that if there is a second referendum, the Remainers will probably win.
Pompeo arrived in London together with the royal baby, and some dreamers had thought that the baby of mixed parentage would help the relationship.
But, as Ishaan Tharoor put it, if there is a baby who sums up the current state of the special relationship, it isn’t Archie. It is the big, fat, orange, diaper-wearing blimp that is expected to rise, once again, to greet Trump as he arrives in London on June 3.
Right now, like the blimp, the special relationship is at risk of floating away, adrift. However, the Dotard visit could certainly do the UK some good if he talks enough about how great a thing Brexit will be. That would doubtless kill its attraction for a lot of people.
And just how dysfunct one side of that duo is was emphasized at the Arctic conference. A couple of days earlier, the UN warned about the extinction of a million species, with climate change one of the biggest culprits. But Pompous P and the US not only refused to have climate change mentioned in the Arctic Communique, Pompous P spoke about the blessings of melting Arctic ice, freeing up billions of barrels of oil and gas. Talk about short term thinking, like we did yesterday. Some of that gas seems to me what has blown up Pompous and Dotard, both of whom seem to be getting more bloated by the day. That London blimp may have to be expanded to keep in step.
So China, Iran, Brexit, the Arctic - soon there will be nothing else to fxxx up. But whether that will finally deflate the Baby needs to be seen. He is said to be livid that so much attention is being given to that other baby, and not to him, the Baby-in-Cheif.
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