Deal (or Joke) of the Century?

So you are invited to a wedding party where the bride and groom are not going to show up. That’s the best that can be said for the much-trumpeted, 2 1/2 years in the making, fantastic Peace Plan from Jared and Trump that landed with a thud in Bahrain yesterday, and will probably be buried and forgotten today.

2 1/2 years of sucking up to criminals and dictators and this is the best they could come up with? Heck, give me 3 months, and while I may not bring about peace in the region, I will certainly do better than this.

The problem starts with the fact that Trump (and Jared) are only motivated by money, for which they will sell their souls to the devil. In fact, already have. They cannot imagine people with more principles and ideals than they have. Hence, their absurd plan - give the region $ 50 billion, about half of which is for the Palestinians, and tell them all to shut up. I know - the “political” part of the plan is still to come - but just like so many of Trump’s plans like health care, will likely never see the light of day.

So effectively Palestinians are being told to forget about their land, and take $ 25 bn and shut up. Well, I have a proposal for Trump - I will seize your golf courses (only the profit making ones, if any) and Mar-a-Lago and then give you a couple of million in compensation. Take that, and shut up.

The good thing is that except for Trump admin people, and maybe some Israelis and Saudis, nobody wasted any time on this charade for the last 2 years. The Europeans realized at the start that this “deal of the century” would be a joke and stayed away. Being diplomatic,they sent some Acting Asstt Deputy Under Secretaries to the conference who didn’t say anything. The Palestinians refused to attend at all, so the Israeli official delegation also dropped out.

Even liberal Jews rejected what was presented.  “What Kushner has presented ahead of the Bahrain summit is devoid of any political content. And it has deliberately refused to address the fundamental political aspirations of the Palestinians for national self-determination,” tweeted Harry Reis of the New Israel Fund, a liberal U.S.-based nonprofit that supports civil society groups in Israel.

What was left was Jared and other Trump mobsters talking to a silent room of people, who were all desperately trying to stay serious and avoid openly laughing out loud.

Ishaan Tharoor summarised it well - It’s tough to recall a recent U.S. diplomatic initiative as universally derided as Jared Kushner’s “Peace to Prosperity” workshop held in Bahrain.


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