Gun violence
Fox News host Sean Hannity is best known these days for his regular mutual masturbxtion sessions with Trump. He said yesterday that he thinks the solution to mass shootings is more guns in schools and shopping centers. “They should be on every floor of every school,” he ranted on his show, waving his arms and raising his voice. “We could do that with stores. We could do that in malls. We can do that pretty much anywhere the public is.”
America, the exceptional country. A gun on every floor and every corner. i would suggest starting with Hannity, other Fox hosts like Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs and Laura Ingraham, NRA grandees like LaPierre, and Trump and Junior. Put them on each floor of a mall or a school, with a gun in each hand and one sticking out of their (insert body part) for 360 degree coverage, to scare the living hell out of potential criminals. No doubt the general public will feel really protected.
So the NRA are not the only madmen out there. After Parkland, they suggested guns in every school. The kids would just love them, right? But Hannity goes a step further. And besides guns everywhere, other GOP legislators have suggested, among other things, bulletproof school backpacks, pens and pencils that can squirt out acid, and God knows what else. Everything to make children feel they are now safe in the Army.
America the Beautiful. Children doing mass shooter drills. How pretty.....
In the meantime, for the first time in History, a President has to slink into the towns that have experienced violence. Did you see the great crowds that welcomed Trump in Dayton (also known as Toledo) and El Paso? Neither did I. They were so fantastic, showing so much love for the President. At least that’s what the President said, as usual making it all about him.
Unsurprisingly , nobody else saw them, because Trump had to slink in and out without a public appearance. Most of the victims in the hospitals and their families didn’t want to see him. No public speech where we would be booed.
Contrast that with Obama’s speech and singing of Amazing Grace after the Charleston massacre. Millions listening in, and over 10 million views on Youtube since then. But that was when America had a real President - nobody is interested these days in listening to what Putin has to say. Or his puppet.
America, the exceptional country. A gun on every floor and every corner. i would suggest starting with Hannity, other Fox hosts like Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs and Laura Ingraham, NRA grandees like LaPierre, and Trump and Junior. Put them on each floor of a mall or a school, with a gun in each hand and one sticking out of their (insert body part) for 360 degree coverage, to scare the living hell out of potential criminals. No doubt the general public will feel really protected.
So the NRA are not the only madmen out there. After Parkland, they suggested guns in every school. The kids would just love them, right? But Hannity goes a step further. And besides guns everywhere, other GOP legislators have suggested, among other things, bulletproof school backpacks, pens and pencils that can squirt out acid, and God knows what else. Everything to make children feel they are now safe in the Army.
America the Beautiful. Children doing mass shooter drills. How pretty.....
In the meantime, for the first time in History, a President has to slink into the towns that have experienced violence. Did you see the great crowds that welcomed Trump in Dayton (also known as Toledo) and El Paso? Neither did I. They were so fantastic, showing so much love for the President. At least that’s what the President said, as usual making it all about him.
Unsurprisingly , nobody else saw them, because Trump had to slink in and out without a public appearance. Most of the victims in the hospitals and their families didn’t want to see him. No public speech where we would be booed.
Contrast that with Obama’s speech and singing of Amazing Grace after the Charleston massacre. Millions listening in, and over 10 million views on Youtube since then. But that was when America had a real President - nobody is interested these days in listening to what Putin has to say. Or his puppet.
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