Mass shootings

The Onion published yesterday the headline that have now had to publish numerous times since they first put it up some years ago - No way to prevent this, says only Nation where this regularly happens.

So here we are again. Despite the NRA being itself in shambles, the GOP and Trump still do not dare to cross them. So the blame was put on mental health, video games and the Internet, as though those things don’t exist in other countries where the death toll from guns is less than 5% of the US rate. Blame everything, dammit, except the availability of guns. Those harmless toys. How can liberals blame them?

And the Racist-in-Chief gave a laughable speech to the nation, calling for an end to racism and bigotry and white nationalism. The arsonist calling for an end to fires. No mention of the fact that he is the biggest racist, bigot and white nationalist in the country. The few good sentiments written by somebody for him to say sounded more like a hostage video. As Beto put it, “He isn’t just racist. He’s positively stoking and encouraging racism”. 

He was so full of empathy and concern that he referred to the victims of Toledo. At least he didn’t say they were victims of the airport massacres of 1812. Trump the Heartless is the last person to comfort those who have lost loved ones.

Ivanka, dear Daddy’s darling, also put out a tweet saying we have to stop the advance of racism and white supremacy. Yes, dear, we must, but tell that to Daddy first. Otherwise, you are complicit, just like the entire GOP. Maybe as his daughter, you can get the idea past the bone spurs in his brain.

And then there were the Texas Governor Abbott and Lt.Gov. Patrick arguing that if there were just more good guys with guns, the death toll would have been much less. Don’t know if they believe that themselves, but for that to work, those guys would have to have “good guy with gun” tattooed across their foreheads and (insert body part) so that police wouldn’t shoot them on arrival. 

That is of course an old, stupid NRA talking point. What’s more likely is that while 1 “good” shooter may help, 2 “good” shooters would probably increase the death toll, and 3 or more would probably double the death toll. As I have speculated before, if we ever have a mass shooter confronted by 5 or more “good” shooters, we are likely to have the biggest death toll of any mass shooting in US history. Unless of course they all have “good guy with gun” tattooed where needed.

But Abbott and Patrick and Trump and the GOP and the NRA will keep on blabbering about good guys with guns stopping bad guys with guns. They no doubt also believe that the tooth fairy visits us every night and cleans our teeth. But hey, if your stupid supporters believe that, why not peddle it? 

One white Ohio legislator even went so far as to give a rant on Facebook, blaming gays, drag queens, transgender rights, Kaepernick and Obama for the shootings. Only not to blame are people who look like her. We wait to see if the GOP dares to remove such crazy people from office, or if this is the new definition of what the GOP stands for.

Meanwhile, they were white shooters, so all we have is thoughts and prayers. And as I put it bluntly before, lawmakers who offer those should shove them you know where.


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