
Showing posts from September, 2019

Trump and Women’s rights

The Trump administration is determined to please its Talevangelical base, who like their Vorbild (role model), the Taliban, want to see women only in the home, meekly supporting their men, cooking and cleaning and washing up. So at a UN meeting on women’s rights this week in New York, it reversed decades of US policy, calling on other countries to join a coalition pushing the elimination of what it calls “ambiguous” terms and expressions, such as sexual and reproductive health, from U.N. documents. Alarmed by the US push, EU countries organized their own coalition to push for their understanding of women’s rights.  I won’t go into the details of the 2 documents issued by the duelling coalitions, but only on the list of countries supporting each document. The US statement was supported by 19 countries, and thus started like this: We are pleased to speak on behalf of the United States of America, Bahrain, Belarus, Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Guatemala...

Dictators of the World, Unite

Maybe it was no coincidence that Dotard Trump spoke at the UN General Assembly  immediately after Bolsonaro, and immediately before el-Sisi and Erdogan. Dictators of the World, Unite!  Putin and Xi and MbS were missing, but the rest all proved true to their dictatorial instincts. For the moment, we will give Modi the benefit of the doubt, and in any case, he had just engaged in intense mutual masturbxtion with Trump in Houston, so could take a different time slot in New York. Dotard thundered - “the future does not belong to the globalists, it belongs to the patriots”. Yes, so says the ignorant moron who knows nothing of the last 1000 years of History, where the patriots held sway. Such great times!!! Such peace was had by all! He wants to make America like that again.  “We only want peace with all nations. We will put our interests first, and expect other countries to put their interests first”.  And not even 5 minutes later, he complains about China putting ...

The Iran mess

The Simile of the month comes from Bret Stephens, formerly of the WSJ, now one of the resident conservatives at the NYT - O’Brien assumes the role of Trump’s National Security Advisor with the tremulous optimism of a new bride joining Henry VIII at the altar. And after Dotard’s half-cocked locked and loaded statement, he put his tail between his legs and announced the sending of a few hundred troops to Saudi Arabia. Nobody seems to have told him what was the final result of a similar move after the first Iraq War. But we can all be grateful that all the bombastic rhetoric emanating from the (insert body part) of the Mad Man in the White House is only hot air. At least for now. After earlier saying he could obliterate Afghanistan in 10 minutes, he said yesterday he could Invade Iran in 2 seconds. As one wag on Twitter commented, that’s about as long as he needed for his tryst with Stormy. Well, that was a blow below the belt. Pompous Pompeo said that America would be asking its allies ...

Axis of Evil

The new acting Defense Secretary, a guy named Mike Esper, said that America is looking for allies to take on Iran, after the attack on Saudi oil. Well, good luck with that. European countries, who with the exception of lapdog Boris’s UK, declined to take part in the earlier Maritime Force to protect Gulf shipping, are refusing to lend a hand. Rejoin the nuclear accord, they say, and then we can talk. So Dotard is left with Saudi Arabia and Israel (if a govt can be formed, see below) as his only allies. Maybe he could get his love interest Kim to join. Dotard, MbS and Kim - allies in the new Axis of Evil.  But that’s what you are left with when you have a policy of America First. It leads to America Alone, or America, together with a lot of shady characters. Dem candidate Tulsi Gabbard, supposedly a devout, practicing Hindu, still did not mince words when she tweeted: “Trump awaits instructions from his Saudi masters. Having our country act as Saudi Arabia’s bitch is not America fi...

The Taliban and the Liar

I wrote a couple of months ago about how strange it was that the world believed Iran rather than the US President, also known as the Liar-in-Chief. Well, Iran was at least  a state actor. Now we are so far that everybody believes the Terrorist Taliban over the US President. Just imagine - ruthless killers, protectors of Osama bin Laden - but their word is worth more than that of the Liar-in-Chief in the White House. “Unbeknownst” to Dotard, nobody believes him any more. So while the L i C announced with fanfare on Twitter that HE, the Chosen One, had cancelled the meeting at the last minute, the Taliban said that they had never agreed to a meeting in the first place. Only 1 of those 2 stories could be true, and judging by the foreign policy establishment in the US and Europe, everybody believes the Taliban. What a world, when the word of the US President is basically worth shxt. But Dotard wanted praise for cancelling a meeting that was never going to take place anyway. A...

Taliban and Trumpiban

Well, who would have thought that the “President” of the US would agree to meet personally with a group of terrorists? And at hallowed Camp David, no less. But I suppose “there are good people on both sides”, as somebody said. And if you can meet a murderer like Kim 3 times and fall in love with him, why not fall in love with admirers of bin Laden? Who knows, since Dotard dreams so much of having his face on Mount Rushmore, why not just replace or update the 4 there now with Dotard, Kim, Putin and bin Laden - the biggest “influencers” on Americans today. But then Dotard cancelled the whole thing when he found out that the Taliban kills people. Wow. Nobody had ever told him that, just like nobody told him that Dorian was not going to threaten Alabama. “Nobody ever tells me anything”. But then, nobody knows anything about anything better than the great Jenius in the White House, the Second Coming. How can anybody dare to tell him anything? Best tweet on the subject - What? Dotard cancel...