Trump and Women’s rights

The Trump administration is determined to please its Talevangelical base, who like their Vorbild (role model), the Taliban, want to see women only in the home, meekly supporting their men, cooking and cleaning and washing up. So at a UN meeting on women’s rights this week in New York, it reversed decades of US policy, calling on other countries to join a coalition pushing the elimination of what it calls “ambiguous” terms and expressions, such as sexual and reproductive health, from U.N. documents.

Alarmed by the US push, EU countries organized their own coalition to push for their understanding of women’s rights. 

I won’t go into the details of the 2 documents issued by the duelling coalitions, but only on the list of countries supporting each document. The US statement was supported by 19 countries, and thus started like this:

We are pleased to speak on behalf of the United States of America, Bahrain, Belarus, Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

Notice tht the list consists mainly of other dictatorships, or of poor countries that depend on US aid, another version of the Ukraine pressure. Also, all the love letters between Dotard and Kim somehow didn’t get North Korea to sign up. Maybe Kim was busy examining his new missiles.

The other document was organized by the Dutch, was supported by 58 countries, and started like this:

It is my pleasure to deliver this statement on behalf of the governments and peoples of Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cap Verde, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guinea, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Montenegro, Nepal, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia, United Kingdom and Uruguay, as well as my own country, The Kingdom of the Netherlands.
So looking at those lists, which of those coalitions would YOU be happy to be part of? To be frank, one of those lists looks like an expanded version of the Axis of Evil, with poor supplicants thrown in against their will. But the Dotard administration, seems happy to be associated with a number of unsavoury countries, and in this case, is actually the leader and organizer of the group. King of the Thugs, with Mafia Don(ald) in charge.
“We are now respected again in the world”. 
Maybe in Moscow, Riyadh, Orban’s Budapest, Baghdad and Khartoum.


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