Axis of Evil

The new acting Defense Secretary, a guy named Mike Esper, said that America is looking for allies to take on Iran, after the attack on Saudi oil. Well, good luck with that. European countries, who with the exception of lapdog Boris’s UK, declined to take part in the earlier Maritime Force to protect Gulf shipping, are refusing to lend a hand. Rejoin the nuclear accord, they say, and then we can talk.

So Dotard is left with Saudi Arabia and Israel (if a govt can be formed, see below) as his only allies. Maybe he could get his love interest Kim to join. Dotard, MbS and Kim - allies in the new Axis of Evil. 

But that’s what you are left with when you have a policy of America First. It leads to America Alone, or America, together with a lot of shady characters. Dem candidate Tulsi Gabbard, supposedly a devout, practicing Hindu, still did not mince words when she tweeted:
“Trump awaits instructions from his Saudi masters. Having our country act as Saudi Arabia’s bitch is not America first”.  Whoa!!!!

Macron was also not very subtle either when he said that he has no problem with a G6. Probably better than the current G6+1.

So that leaves Dotard with his friends MbS and Kim, with his puppet-master Putin laughing at him from the side. Putin didn’t miss his chance to make fun of American defense weapons, and suggest Saudi Arabia switch to Russian ones. That too with Rouhani at his side, enabling Rouhani to also laugh at Trump’s expense. What a mess - when Everybody is on Iran’s side, and America is reduced to Saudi Arabia’s bitch.

So much winning, and “we are so respected now”, says the man who thinks he is the Second Coming. Of Christ or Satan is still open. 

PS. While Israel’s second vote in 5 months doesn’t seem to have changed much, it has weakened Netanyahu’s hand a wee bit. There will be weeks of haggling, but my bet is that probably a third election will follow, or the rules will have to be changed. As it looks now, both Netanyahu’s and Gantz’s coalitions will have 55-58 seats, with the remaining seats going to Avigdor Lieberman’s secular, nationalist party of mainly Russian emigrĂ©s, making him the kingmaker. When so much depends on such a shady character, things don’t look good. 

If Netanyahu can put together a coalition govt, he would probably gladly join the Axis Of Evil above. Gantz would probably stay out, at least overtly.


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