The Iran mess
The Simile of the month comes from Bret Stephens, formerly of the WSJ, now one of the resident conservatives at the NYT - O’Brien assumes the role of Trump’s National Security Advisor with the tremulous optimism of a new bride joining Henry VIII at the altar.
And after Dotard’s half-cocked locked and loaded statement, he put his tail between his legs and announced the sending of a few hundred troops to Saudi Arabia. Nobody seems to have told him what was the final result of a similar move after the first Iraq War. But we can all be grateful that all the bombastic rhetoric emanating from the (insert body part) of the Mad Man in the White House is only hot air. At least for now.
After earlier saying he could obliterate Afghanistan in 10 minutes, he said yesterday he could Invade Iran in 2 seconds. As one wag on Twitter commented, that’s about as long as he needed for his tryst with Stormy. Well, that was a blow below the belt.
Pompous Pompeo said that America would be asking its allies to contribute troops as well. Its allies? Surely he didn’t mean France or Germany or Holland. The only allies it has left are Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel and North Korea. Putin would no doubt laugh again and suggest its better to protect yourself with Russian troops. But maybe his love Kim will agree to send some troops. What a great photo-op with Dotard and Kim holding hands and inspecting a joint US-North Korea platoon. Truly historical!! Or hysterical.
Javed Zarif, continuing a theme of his for some time, said the B Team of Trump advisors, Saudis and Israelis, seems intent on fighting Iran to the last American. That was the statement of the month.
And after Dotard’s half-cocked locked and loaded statement, he put his tail between his legs and announced the sending of a few hundred troops to Saudi Arabia. Nobody seems to have told him what was the final result of a similar move after the first Iraq War. But we can all be grateful that all the bombastic rhetoric emanating from the (insert body part) of the Mad Man in the White House is only hot air. At least for now.
After earlier saying he could obliterate Afghanistan in 10 minutes, he said yesterday he could Invade Iran in 2 seconds. As one wag on Twitter commented, that’s about as long as he needed for his tryst with Stormy. Well, that was a blow below the belt.
Pompous Pompeo said that America would be asking its allies to contribute troops as well. Its allies? Surely he didn’t mean France or Germany or Holland. The only allies it has left are Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel and North Korea. Putin would no doubt laugh again and suggest its better to protect yourself with Russian troops. But maybe his love Kim will agree to send some troops. What a great photo-op with Dotard and Kim holding hands and inspecting a joint US-North Korea platoon. Truly historical!! Or hysterical.
Javed Zarif, continuing a theme of his for some time, said the B Team of Trump advisors, Saudis and Israelis, seems intent on fighting Iran to the last American. That was the statement of the month.
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