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Some hundred or so years ago, when I was a teenager, I read this gripping spy novel (which is what teenagers do). Name of book and author has been long forgotten, as I graduated to Shakespeare and Goethe 😀.

The hero is from Britain’s MI5, and he has to find this group of Soviet spies and British double agents, who are trying to destroy Her Majesty’s government, Her Majesty at the time being a young, pleasant girl named Elizabeth that you may have heard of since. The book has a cast of detestable villains, and is a real page-turner, with suspense at every corner, a sort of grandfather to the Da Vinci code, which is written in the same style. And the most detestable villain keeps showing up all the time.

But with just 4 pages of the book left, the hero is strapped to a chair in a dungeon, about to be tortured by 4 of the villains. A teary teenager gets ready for a novel with a bad ending. But then the most detestable villain, the character the reader is always against, takes out a gun and tells the other 3 villains to put up their hands, as he frees our hero.
The most detestable villain had infiltrated the Soviet ring, and was actually a good guy.

Why did I remember this now? Well, the book by Anonymous is going to be published next week. And just like the time when he/she wrote that column in the NYT a year ago, there is feverish speculation about who the person is. Last year the speculation centered on the “good” people in Trump’s orbit - “good” being used here in the relative sense. So fingers were pointed at Nikki Haley and Jim Mattis, but the person hasn’t been outed yet.

The book above made me think of the opposite scenario - what if Anonymous is one of the really detestable people in the White House? I now think Anonymous may well be - wait for it - Kellyanne Conway. It would also solve another enduring Washington mystery - how her marriage to George Conway hasn’t broken down, despite her continuously going to Fox to defend Dotard’s 13500+ lies at the same time that George tweets and writes op-eds denigrating Trump and all he stands for. George could well have done the writing as Kellyanne is not much of a writer.

Would we feel an ounce of sympathy for Kellyanne if it was her, and look at her differently? I have my doubts. I doubt I would.

As for the book itself, it got a lousy review from the NYT (where at least 2 people know who the author is) and a lukewarm review from WaPo. So I would not recommend you waste your hard-earned cash on it. It contains little that we do not already know.

By some coincidence (or not), the earlier suspect, our own Nikki Haley, also has a book out this week “With all due respect”. But lacking that due respect for her, I am unlikely to waste cash on this book either. Of course, if she is really Anonymous as well, she is going to clean up and make a fortune from both sides of the American political divide, as GOPers buy her book, and Resisters buy the Anonymous book. Now that would be really clever..........


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