Day of Reckoning
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So tomorrow Sondland can decide whether he wants to get the John Dean Award for Bravery in 2019, as the Votemaster put it on his blog.
For those younger than me, or uninterested at the time, who may not have followed the Nixon impeachment - John Dean was the AG who’s testimony was among the major factors (besides the tapes) that finally brought Nixon down. Though Dean was probably as much of a crook as all the others surrounding Nixon - he was the only one who came out of it all with a reputation that could be rescued. Because of his cooperation with the prosecution, he spent far less time in the klinker than other Nixon aides (only 6 months or so of his 4 year sentence. Others got and spent decades in prison). After a mea culpa period, he was able to resume his life and do pretty well for himself. He has also commented now, at age 81, that Trump’s misdeeds are much worse than Nixon’s.
Well, Barr with the low bar is the AG right now, and probably has enough dirt to crucify Trump, but nobody expects him to take his lips away from Trump’s (insert body part), no matter how bad the stench gets. While Mick the Knife could speak up as well, the current incentives for him are to stay silent. As for Pompous, he has been exposed as a spineless sycophant. And Bolton has bolted, at least for now.
Which brings us to Gordon Sondland, honorable Ambassador to the EU, but not quite honorable enough, so that he could tell Trump that Zelensky “loves your axxx”. That too with 3 other people at the table listening, not to mention possible Russian, Chinese, Iranian and other eavesdroppers, since he was talking on an unprotected phone. If thats how top Trump people speak when others are listening, one wonders how they speak in private. Okay, we already know that from Trump’s famous “I tried to fxck her. I moved on her like a bxtch” tape.
(On a side note, I have wondered if Turkey has a recording of the call, which Erdogan used to force Trump to agree to his Syria move. Never know among crooks...).
Sondland has to decide whether to save Trump’s axxx or his own. I don’t envy him today. But he is a billionaire in private life and not dependent on Trump’s mobs, unlike others like Pompous, Mulvaney, Lindsey Graham, and the other GOP sycophants. He could protect Trump, either by failing to appear, or claiming the 5th and staying silent on that phone call. But he should know that the truth will out, and many years in the klinker will then await him.
Or he could become the John Dean of today, by coming clean, and exposing Trump.
He can just go back to his billionaire life, insulted by Trumpkins, Fox News and rightwing radio, but he could tell them all to fxxx off. His truthful testimony probably will still not drive the GOP to support impeachment at the moment, but it will expose them completely. If Sondland comes clean and Trump is not removed, I will wager on the GOP losing the Presidency and the Senate and many more seats in the House.
I refuse to believe there are not enough decent Americans to make that happen.
So tomorrow Sondland can decide whether he wants to get the John Dean Award for Bravery in 2019, as the Votemaster put it on his blog.
For those younger than me, or uninterested at the time, who may not have followed the Nixon impeachment - John Dean was the AG who’s testimony was among the major factors (besides the tapes) that finally brought Nixon down. Though Dean was probably as much of a crook as all the others surrounding Nixon - he was the only one who came out of it all with a reputation that could be rescued. Because of his cooperation with the prosecution, he spent far less time in the klinker than other Nixon aides (only 6 months or so of his 4 year sentence. Others got and spent decades in prison). After a mea culpa period, he was able to resume his life and do pretty well for himself. He has also commented now, at age 81, that Trump’s misdeeds are much worse than Nixon’s.
Well, Barr with the low bar is the AG right now, and probably has enough dirt to crucify Trump, but nobody expects him to take his lips away from Trump’s (insert body part), no matter how bad the stench gets. While Mick the Knife could speak up as well, the current incentives for him are to stay silent. As for Pompous, he has been exposed as a spineless sycophant. And Bolton has bolted, at least for now.
Which brings us to Gordon Sondland, honorable Ambassador to the EU, but not quite honorable enough, so that he could tell Trump that Zelensky “loves your axxx”. That too with 3 other people at the table listening, not to mention possible Russian, Chinese, Iranian and other eavesdroppers, since he was talking on an unprotected phone. If thats how top Trump people speak when others are listening, one wonders how they speak in private. Okay, we already know that from Trump’s famous “I tried to fxck her. I moved on her like a bxtch” tape.
(On a side note, I have wondered if Turkey has a recording of the call, which Erdogan used to force Trump to agree to his Syria move. Never know among crooks...).
Sondland has to decide whether to save Trump’s axxx or his own. I don’t envy him today. But he is a billionaire in private life and not dependent on Trump’s mobs, unlike others like Pompous, Mulvaney, Lindsey Graham, and the other GOP sycophants. He could protect Trump, either by failing to appear, or claiming the 5th and staying silent on that phone call. But he should know that the truth will out, and many years in the klinker will then await him.
Or he could become the John Dean of today, by coming clean, and exposing Trump.
He can just go back to his billionaire life, insulted by Trumpkins, Fox News and rightwing radio, but he could tell them all to fxxx off. His truthful testimony probably will still not drive the GOP to support impeachment at the moment, but it will expose them completely. If Sondland comes clean and Trump is not removed, I will wager on the GOP losing the Presidency and the Senate and many more seats in the House.
I refuse to believe there are not enough decent Americans to make that happen.
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