Impeachment Day 1

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Day 1 of the #ImpeachmentHearings is in the books. Every newspaper and every pundit and his grandmother has commented and summarized, so I will not go into things you can easily read, but only add my special gems.

1) Trump and prominent GOPers said this was boring and a sham and they wouldn’t be watching. But Trump’s twitter account retweeted 100+ tweets from prominent GOPers and FOXers during the show. So while a lot of that could have been done by staffers, clearly Trump (when not with fellow dictator Erdogan) and the others were glued to their TV sets.
To use Trumpian language, never in the history of the world has there been such a huge spectacle of public mutual masturbxtion. Top GOP congressmen + SeanTuckerLouJeanineLaura from Fox. We could see them all coming.......

2) Following from 1. Who needs Russian disinformation anymore, when you can have homegrown disinformation from “real Americans”? All those hundreds of tweets hammered around 2 or 3 points clearly agreed previously, hoping Dotard blasting them out to his 66 million followers would help. We will see. The main point being that those 2 guys had never spoken to Trump personally.

3) Of course the Dems said they would gladly call people who spoke to Trump personally about Ukraine, but Trump has blocked them, so what has he got to hide?
Plenty, as we all know.

4) That point will become moot when Sondland is called next week. Though Trump claims “he hardly knows the gentleman” who he appointed to the most important Ambassador position, “the gentleman” clearly could reach Trump on his cellphone.
There is a good chance that all could be over when Sondland testifies. He has to decide whether to save himself, or sacrifice himself for Trump. 

He has a week to ponder that, and I feel he will decide to save himself. If he testifies that what he told the aide about the call to Trump at the Kiev dinner is true, then the question becomes whether the public believes Sondland or believes the #LiarInChief who has told 13500+ whoppers in 3 years. I know who I would believe.

5) Which brings me to a tangential point. Nikki Haley has been blasted for her self-serving memoir. I agree that it lessens her chances in 2024. However, if Trump is battered by the impeachment inquiry and resigns (doubtful, but not impossible), Haley has positioned herself to be the nominee and get the backing of Trump’s huge base.
Whether she has lost independents in the process will have to be seen.


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