Short Impeachment update Nov

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So where are we on impeachment?
With public hearings starting today, Dotard tweeted that “the circus is coming to town”. Everyone else knows that the circus IS in town and has been for the last 3 years, with Dotard as the ringmaster in a Top Hat (or dunce cap) surrounded mainly by clowns and animals. A real circus.

He also tweeted for the 35th time in all capitals - READ THE TRANSCRIPT - knowing full well that his clown followers will not read it, if they can read at all. Everyone else knows the transcript shows potentially criminal activity and a quid pro shxt show. But together with his gang of mutual masturbxtors on Fox News (Sean, Tucker, Lou, Laura, Jeanine and others), he hopes that he can keep the mob ignorant. I even wonder if he has read the transcript himself. Probably not, unless somebody put it in picture form for him. A comic book.

In line with his habit of accusing others of what he is guilty of (remember “You are the puppet”?), he accused Schiff and the Dems of instigating a mob. Mafia Don talking of instigating mobs - which is all his rallies are about. The question now is whether the ignorant mob (or real Americans, as Trump and the GOP calls them) is more numerous than thinking, sane Americans, who presumably are not real. We will learn the answer to that latest in November 2020.

Of course, if we had a sane GOP, Trump would be impeached and removed now. But GOP congressmen have yet to grow a spine or a conscience. They have a legitimate fear of Trump’s mobs - not of violence, but of losing their next election. Its not only Party over Country - its ME over country. And so, to save themselves, they have all agreed to kiss Trump’s (insert body part). Wonder how bad the smell needs to get before they can detach their lips from there. We may soon find that out.


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