
Showing posts from January, 2020

Idiots of the Century

(If you like this post, do read others on the blog. Or follow my blog for automatic updates. Its free 😀) Isn’t it amazing that it took Dotard and Jared 3 years to come up with their “Deal of the Century” that you or me could have come up with in a couple of days? Trump said it was the product of a “long and arduous process” making me wonder which idiots were working on it. Of course, we all knew that whatever they came up with would not be worth the paper it was written on. But still I am surprised by just how worthless it is. Of course, it has been praised to the skies by 2 constituencies: - the far right in Israel, for whom any Palestinian in the area is anathema - and the Talevangelicals in the US, Trump’s main base of racists and bigots And while thise 2 groups have plenty to disagree on, for the moment, both see it to their advantage to support each other. The Israeli far right is well aware that the Talevangelicals consist of 2 types of people: - those ignora...

Trump DC Hotel on Sale

(If you like this post, do read others, or follow my blog to get updates when I post something. Its free 😀) —————— As you may know, the Trump Hotel in Washington is up for sale, and tomorrow is the last day for submitting your bids. I have put in a bid for 100 bucks. As part of the bid, I have also promised to uphold US law and not use the hotel for nefarious purposes (like it is right now). I have also agreed to fumigate the entire place, to rid it of the current stench. “Nobody knows as much about fumigation as I do”. As the current owner likes to say, “We’ll see what happens”. ————— Update: Doesn’t look like there is much interest for Trump’s hotel. I suppose potential buyers are put off by the smell. Kellyanne called me to ask if I would increase my bid by 50 bucks, and I said “No way. 100 bucks is what  I am offering. Take it or leave it”. She tried to give me a sales pitch on how there has been no hotel like it in History in the whole world, echoiung her ...

The 4 Embassies

(If you like this post, do read others on my blog. Or follow my blog for notification of new posts. Its free 😀). So many people are unfairly slamming Precedent Trump for his statement about Suleimani plaaning to attack 4 embassies. Nobody else, including top Pentagon officials, have seen the Intelligence, but then none of them are as intelligent as the Jenius and Chosen One in the White House, and they no doubt missed what his finely tuned nose noticed (you do need a finely tuned nose when you produce so much s..., er, excrement). To help him out, I did some research of my own and must confirm that those 4 embassies really exist and were under threat. The first was in Alabama, that just about survived the hit from Hurricane Dorian, and the further hit from Dotard’s Sharpie. Suleimani was enraged that the embassy there had survived those 2 catastrophes, and was determined to knock it out himself. The second was in Ethiopia, who’s President had stolen the Nobel Prize tha...

Taliban Trump

(If you like this post, do read others, or follow my blog. Its free 😀) So now ISIS and the Taliban have a potential new leader - his name rhymes with Ronald Dump, which as I have noted before, is what he has turned the US into. Remember the outrage when the Taliban destroyed the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan, or when ISIS laid waste to Palmyra in Syria? All small stuff - the Chosen One only does things on a big scale - we will destroy all 24 of Iran’s UNESCO cultural sites.  Ita a war crime - but does Trump’s America give a shxt about war crimes? He just pardoned 3 war criminals and invited a murderer to the White House and Mar-a-Lago. Who knows, if Suleimani had only praised Trump’s greatness, he would also be sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom and breakfasting in the East Wing with Javanka. (Wags may change the order of 2 words in that last sentence, but I am too decent to do that).’ Or maybe the Chosen One considers himself the modern Alexander the Great, who razed Per...