Taliban Trump

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So now ISIS and the Taliban have a potential new leader - his name rhymes with Ronald Dump, which as I have noted before, is what he has turned the US into. Remember the outrage when the Taliban destroyed the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan, or when ISIS laid waste to Palmyra in Syria? All small stuff - the Chosen One only does things on a big scale - we will destroy all 24 of Iran’s UNESCO cultural sites. 

Ita a war crime - but does Trump’s America give a shxt about war crimes? He just pardoned 3 war criminals and invited a murderer to the White House and Mar-a-Lago. Who knows, if Suleimani had only praised Trump’s greatness, he would also be sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom and breakfasting in the East Wing with Javanka. (Wags may change the order of 2 words in that last sentence, but I am too decent to do that).’

Or maybe the Chosen One considers himself the modern Alexander the Great, who razed Persepolis to the ground because he knew he could never build anything like it. Trump the Great knows that Trump Tower and Trump Hotels, even with their golden Trump toilets that do not even need flushing, could never compare with the glories of Shiraz and Isfahan. Worse, they are mocked at in comparison. So why not destroy them? Long live the Golden Trump Toilet...., symbol of American power.

Besides the “2 trillion we have just spent on our military - the BEST in the world”. Yes, all that money that won the Vietnam War and quickly won in iraq and Afghanistan. When you have a President who’s idea of war is 100 years old, and who is an ignorant moron to boot, you gradually become a banana republic. Or as my famous Kannada proverb put it - Day by day, the king’s horse turned into a donkey. 

So will #MoscowMitch and his gang of axxx-kissers react to this? They easily could, with the imprachment trial due to start soon. But as of writing, none of them has shown that they have the b..., er, spine, to stop the madman. Fox, the Fox Street Journal and the Trumpkins are a powerful force. They will keep cheering even if the Taliban crowns Ronald Dump as their King. And America produces a huge surplus of donkeys for export.

So the #Taliban can finally become the #Trumpiban

P.S. Unfortunately, the chaos that another madman is unleashing in India is probably as bad, or some would say considerably worse. As I said last week, both of the world’s biggest democracies are tottering. Plato must be wisely nodding in his grave (which doesn’t exist, or Dump may have targeted it too)


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