Bray of Prigs

 Breaking News from my new friend Kayleigh (now that Kellyanne is gone).

Dotard promises to name Norway a shxthole country if they do not give him the “Noble” prize. He also insists he never said “Why don’t we get more  people from Norway, instead of all these shxthole countries?”. If he is denied, just like with the Paris accords, the WHO and the Iran deal, he will withdraw the US from the Noble Prize. All past American prize winners will be asked to return their Nobles, which will be replaced by gold medals crafted from the gold previously used in TrumpToilets®️. Now that all the Trump resorts are empty, those golden TrumpToilets are no longer required and the gold can be put to better use.

Dotard also boasted about being awarded the Bay of Pigs award, which nobody has heard of, and which actually sounds like an award normally won by Lord Emsworth’s Empress of Blandings at the Shropshire Pig Show.  But that could now be used as a replacement for the Noble Prize, though cynics may name it the Bay of Prigs Award, or the Bray of Pigs Award. Or even the Bray of Prigs award. Come to think of it, the Dotard is basically, to use old feminist terminology, a male chauvinist pig that brays. Though he may think he does it in a Noble fashion.

The first Bray of Prigs awardee will be Rush Limbaugh, recent Presidential Medal of Honour winner, with the award handed out by a person speaking a European language where “g” is pronounced more like “ck”. Come to think of it, as further awards are given to Dotard himself, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone,  Sean Hannity, and Junior and Eric, that same person should announce them.

Bray of Pri(g-ck)s  for the entire Trump Herd. As we herd yesterday, Trump believes in herd mentality. While it may not get rid of the coronavirus like he claimed, maybe it will rid us of the Trump Herd. Like with Oprah’s cars, everybody attached to Trump’s (insert body part) gets a medal made from TrumpToilet gold, and maybe a diploma from Trump University. Which should all be worth far more than the Noble Prize, that that shxthole country up there won’t even give him.


Quiz Question - Do you know who Scientific American endorsed for President in the last 5 elections? You don’t know? Neither did I. Because since their founding in 1845, they haven’t ever endorsed anybody. I mean, its a Science journal. But things are so bad, that for the first time in 175 years, they felt it necessary to endorse Biden, as the alternative is an anti-science dolt.

Waiting now for the Presidential endorsements from Wines & Spirits, Cigar Aficionado, Milady’s Boudoir, Playboy and Hustler. Not to mention the Porn Stars of America. They know a lot about Pigs, whether of the braying variety or not.


  1. If there's an association dedicated to fast food and diet colas, I think our fearless leader would get a nomination...


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