The VP debate

 (The best debate summary you are going to read)

After the sound and fury signifying nothing of the first debate, the VP debate last night was refreshingly boring. Who won?

The FLY.
By a huuuge margin.

For those who don’t know what I am talking about, a fly landed on Pence’s head and stayed there for 2 minutes and 13 seconds. Now that is very, very, very, looooong. In that time, Noah Ngeny had run his 1 km world record and had a whole second to spare. Nirvana had finished playing their 1993 hit Very Ape, and could relax for almost 20 seconds. But the fly maintained its composure and sat there.

Come to think of it, where do flies normally like to sit? Their favorite perch is on a pile of human bodily waste. As the biggest producer of that commodity was not on stage, I suppose the fly settled for the next best thing. And maybe it was also a fan of Nirvana’s song, which begins with

I am buried up to my neck in 
Contradictionary lies 
I take pride as the kind of illiterature 
I'm very ape and very nice…

which sort of sums up Dotard/Pence/GOP.

The fly had hardly moved off Pence’s head before the Biden campaign tweeted a picture of him with a fly-swatter and a pitch - Donate $ 5. Let our campaign fly. 
Within the hour, Alexandra Petri had written an exclusive interview with the fly on WaPo. Best line from that - From what I can gather of your age, you spent — that’s — that’s like if I were to spend a month on Mike Pence’s head. Maybe even longer. 

The next big thing was Kamala stopping the VP interrupting her with 
“Mr. Vice President. I am speaking. I AM SPEAKING”.
Words heard and understood by every woman around the world. Twitter went completely crazy. Thousands of women expressed their satisfaction, after having experienced such interruptions all their lives. Hundreds claimed they would watch that section on a loop the whole of today. Here an example from Madhuvanthi Srinivasan, who tweets in English, Hindi and Turkish - a woman of the world. 

Other similar gems from Kamala, quoted today all over the papers, and by women on Facebook and Twitter.

“If you don’t mind letting me finish, we can have a conversation.” 

“He interrupted me, and I’d like to just finish, please.”

Biden was already leading by more than 15 points among women. This will probably edge that lead up some more.

Father Pence showed that he can lie and supply misinformation as well as his boss. When Kamala hammered him on the absolute failure of the Trump administration on the coronavirus, he threw out this:

“When you say what the American people have done over these last eight months hasn’t worked, that’s a great disservice to the sacrifices the American people have made.”

So now we know - Trump/Pence are the American People. L’Etat, c’est moi. Louis XIV will feel vindicated, 350 years after being panned by pundits for that statement.


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