FBI Raid
How ironic that the GQP, Fox, the Fox News Journal, and the rightwing hysteria-sphere keeps making 1 big point that they think is amazing - this is unprecedented, and the first time in 246 years that an ex-President’s house has been raided. They keep stressing - first time, first time, first time, never before, never before…..
Well, I have news for these hypocrites. Where were you when a lot of other things happened for the first time in 246 years, and never before. Here’s a partial list to jog your memory
- the first time a President called for an assault on the Capitol
- the first time a President tried to throw out election results
- the first time a President paid $ 25 million to avoid a fraud conviction with Trump “University”
- the first time a President lied 30000+ times in 4 years
- the first time a President took the 5th 400 times in 1 day (after saying 5 years ago - “why would anybody take the 5th unless they were guilty?” - a statement that has come back to bite his rear end)
- the first time a President sided with Russia against his own officials
- the first time a President kissed the (insert body part) of various dictators from Putin to his great love Kim
- the first time a President stole classified documents like a common thief.
I could go on and on.
Somehow, ALL these first times and never befores seem to have been forgotten by MyQevin, CancunCruz, Li’lMarco and all the other bootlickers. They were not only unprecedented, but definitely also unpresidented.
So when you have a criminal President who did dozens of things that were never done in 246 years, don’t be surprised when a house raid, never done to a President for 246 years, is done on you. You are no longer an ex-President, but just a common criminal, a thief, no matter how many rubes and frightened GQPubes line up to kiss your…….
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