
Showing posts from November, 2019

Sondland’s John Dean testimony

Yesterday’s preview to this post is here After Sondland’s testimony yesterday, the John Dean references are sprouting everywhere. Here Peter Baker in the NYT ————- Gordon Sondland had not even finished his testimony on Wednesday before it was being called the “John Dean moment” of the President Trump impeachment drama. With the presidency on the line, a once-trusted lieutenant  pointed the finger at Mr. Trump  in a proceeding that could lead to Watergate-style charges of high crimes and misdemeanors. Even  John Dean  thought it was a bit of  a John Dean moment  for Mr. Sondland, the million-dollar Trump donor turned ambassador to the European Union. “He decided to put the truth over party and president, because the president really can’t be pleased with it,” Mr. Dean said in an interview after the hearing. “It’s going to change the dynamics of the proceedings.” —————————- ...

Day of Reckoning

If you like this post, do read other pieces on Trump/Brexit, or follow my blog So tomorrow Sondland can decide whether he wants to get the John Dean Award for Bravery in 2019, as the Votemaster put it on his blog. For those younger than me, or uninterested at the time, who may not have followed the Nixon impeachment - John Dean was the AG who’s testimony was among the major factors (besides the tapes) that finally brought Nixon down. Though Dean was probably as much of a crook as all the others surrounding Nixon - he was the only one who came out of it all with a reputation that could be rescued. Because of his cooperation with the prosecution, he spent far less time in the klinker than other Nixon aides (only 6 months or so of his 4 year sentence. Others got and spent decades in prison). After a mea culpa period, he was able to resume his life and do pretty well for himself. He has also commented now, at age 81, that Trump’s misdeeds are much worse than Nixon’s. Well, Barr with...

Impeachment Day 1

If you like this, do read other posts on Trump/Brexit or follow my blog Day 1 of the #ImpeachmentHearings is in the books. Every newspaper and every pundit and his grandmother has commented and summarized, so I will not go into things you can easily read, but only add my special gems. 1) Trump and prominent GOPers said this was boring and a sham and they wouldn’t be watching. But Trump’s twitter account retweeted 100+ tweets from prominent GOPers and FOXers during the show. So while a lot of that could have been done by staffers, clearly Trump (when not with fellow dictator Erdogan) and the others were glued to their TV sets. To use Trumpian language, never in the history of the world has there been such a huge spectacle of public mutual masturbxtion. Top GOP congressmen + SeanTuckerLouJeanineLaura from Fox. We could see them all coming....... 2) Following from 1. Who needs Russian disinformation anymore, when you can have homegrown disinformation from “real Americans”? All tho...

Short Impeachment update Nov

If you like this post, do read others on Trump/Brexit, or follow my blog So where are we on impeachment? With public hearings starting today, Dotard tweeted that “the circus is coming to town”. Everyone else knows that the circus IS in town and has been for the last 3 years, with Dotard as the ringmaster in a Top Hat (or dunce cap) surrounded mainly by clowns and animals. A real circus. He also tweeted for the 35th time in all capitals - READ THE TRANSCRIPT - knowing full well that his clown followers will not read it, if they can read at all. Everyone else knows the transcript shows potentially criminal activity and a quid pro shxt show. But together with his gang of mutual masturbxtors on Fox News (Sean, Tucker, Lou, Laura, Jeanine and others), he hopes that he can keep the mob ignorant. I even wonder if he has read the transcript himself. Probably not, unless somebody put it in picture form for him. A comic book. In line with his habit of accusing others of what he is guilty...


If you like this, do look at my other posts on Trump/Brexit or follow my blog. Some hundred or so years ago, when I was a teenager, I read this gripping spy novel (which is what teenagers do). Name of book and author has been long forgotten, as I graduated to Shakespeare and Goethe 😀. The hero is from Britain’s MI5, and he has to find this group of Soviet spies and British double agents, who are trying to destroy Her Majesty’s government, Her Majesty at the time being a young, pleasant girl named Elizabeth that you may have heard of since. The book has a cast of detestable villains, and is a real page-turner, with suspense at every corner, a sort of grandfather to  the Da Vinci code , which is written in the same style. And the most detestable villain keeps showing up all the time. But with just 4 pages of the book left, the hero is strapped to a chair in a dungeon, about to be tortured by 4 of the villains. A teary teenager gets ready for a novel with a bad ending. But the...

Doggy Dotard

(If you like this, do read other posts on Trump/Brexit, or follow my blog to get updates. Its free😀) It is a universally acknowledged truth (as Jane Austen may have put it) that Dotard hates dogs. He has never owned one, and wouldn’t let Barron have one. Dog is also his preferred insult, as in Romney choked like a dog Al-Baghdadi died like a dog,   and most recently Beto quit like a dog,   though how dogs quit is unknown to everybody except Dotard. I suppose a neutral observer could say that Dotard grabs puxxy like a dog, which is actually a very apt description, come to think of it. That’s what dogs do. He was caught on tape saying -  “ I tried to fxxk her. I moved on her like a bxxch”. That’s what dogs do. He also eats KFC and BigMacs like a dog. And of course he barks like a dog, as even Lindsey Graham said before he (Graham) showed a proficiency that dogs show all the time - you know what I mean. Doggy Dotard. —————  Am curious to see...