Cohen Testimony
Only saw a few bits and pieces, but here some thoughts...... I suppose only the GOP could make a crook like Cohen look completely sympathetic. On the other hand, when you have absolute con men, crooks, grifters and hypocrites questioning you, you will appear sympathetic. The GOPers didn’t realize that everything they accused Cohen of was not only equally applicable to Trump, but not knowing what was happening, any passing observer would think they were talking of Trump. Jordan: His consciousness of wrongdoing is fleeting. . . . His remorse is minimal. . . . His instinct to blame others is strong.” Green: “He is a narcissist...a bully...who cannot tell the truth”. Hey, isn’t that what everybody’s said a million times about Trump? And Cohen, who has nothing to lose now, played around with his GOP tormentors. Rep. Gosar (he who’s 6 siblings made a campaign ad against him): you are a professional liar. Cohen: Are you referring to me or the President? GOPers are not upset that C...