GOP Trumpcare
So Trump has forced the GOP to return to its pre-existing condition - wanting to deny health care to the poor. With his Justice dept overnight turning 180 degrees and supporting the lawsuit to destroy Obamacare, and Trump declaring that the GOP will be known as the party of great health care, he has put Turtle McConnell on the spot. Having just got battered in an election mainly becaue of health care, the GOP would rather not touch this with a 10 foot pole. But they are afraid to criticize Dotard too. So McConnell said he is waiting to see Trump’s plan. But as the Votemaster brilliantly put it, the next time that the Donald comes up with a plan that requires more than 280 characters to communicate will be the first time. (There is also a bigger issue here of the Justice dept becoming just a political, biased body. But I suppose Americans are so used to the rule of law breaking down that that is hardly noticed.) The reversal apparently happened after a heated debate wh...